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Dry Packaging
Correct Products supplies a wide selection of products to facilitate the packaging of ESD and moisture sensitive items. Companies packaging Surface Mount Devices (SMD's) can find a range of ESD moisture barrier bags, vacuum sealers, desiccant, humidity indicator cards and moisture sensitive labels....
How do I dry pack an item that is ESD and moisture sensitive?
First step in moisture barrier packaging is choosing the right ESD vacuum bag. ESD moisture barrier bags are available in several stock sizes and mil thicknesses. Our most popular moisture barrier bag is the SCS 2000 Dri-Shield Bag. This 3.6 mil aluminized moisture barrier bag provides both shielding and protection from moisture. Additional ESD vacuum bags are available, choose from thicker bags for protection from sharp edges or select a bag based on the desired moisture vapor transmission rate (MVTR).
Second consideration – purchase a vacuum sealer. At Correct Products, we supply retractable industrial vacuum sealers available in a range of sizes and styles. Choose the seal width that matches the bag sizes you will be using and then decide which options you require. Do you need a gas purge? Dual Nozzle for faster sealing? Is this a medical application requiring a validatable heat seal? Do you have a plant air supply hook up or will you need a stand-alone self-contained vacuum sealer with an internal air compressor?
Lastly, determine the amount of time your product will be in transit or storage. Depending on storage conditions, desiccant and humidity indicator cards may be a consideration. Desiccant bags will absorb moisture inside the bag and keeps products dry for increased storage times. Humidity indicator cards measure the level of relative humidity that the contents of the bag have been exposed to.
Please let us know how we can help with your dry packaging needs! If you require military spec vacuum bags, we have sizes in stock, produce custom bags and also supply roll stock. Our vacuum sealer line includes high quality vacuum sealers from Gramatech and ACCVACS. Available with gas purge, dual nozzles, stainless steel and self-contained, we have a sealer to meet most every application.